Monday, January 25, 2010


There is something about a Hospital that causes you to act or think differently than you normally do. Laura's Mom (Grammy) was recently in the place again. Laura & her sisters all pulled together and spent the time they could with her & each other.
It becomes a time of reflection on the things in life that are really important. Grammy came home again, surrounded by those she loves. Yesterday, we found out that 2 of our friends were in the Salem Hospital. Laura & I went to visit them last night. Friend #1 is in her 80's (like Grammy). This is her 3rd time in about a month and the doctors are still trying to figure out the problem. She was looking & feeling good. Just down the hall from them was Friend #2, recovering from an emergency surgery. We could not see him since he was sleeping.

Today I went back & visited with Friend #2, he is doing a lot better & plans on going home tomorrow or the next day. I also wanted to visit Friend #1's husband. It's hard for him to watch his wife of over 60 years suffer. She is again very ill today. I talked and prayed with him. Fortunately, they also have family support. I find it interesting to have all these Hospital experiences as I prepare to go in for my surgery on Feb. 2nd. I know that I will only be one night then home. I already know what the problem is as I go in, unlike all the above. My expected outcome is no mystery.Laura will be at my side through this event and I know that God hears the prayers of everyone who is praying for me. How can I worry about the surgery? I know that God will guide the hands of the surgeon. More later on this topic - after the surgery.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Weight loss

Why is it so easy to gain weight yet so hard to reverse the process. Could it have anything to do with food? When I was a lot younger than I am now. I never worried about gaining weight since I naturally burned about 4000 calories a day. I ignored the little bumps in pounds as I got a little older then finally took notice after I had a major injury and put on 60 lbs. The shocker came as I approached the threshold of 300 lbs.
It is easy to blame others, people, events, activities, and circumstances. I must have blamed all the above as well as God to justify myself. I have come to rationally realize that the only thing to really blame is ME. I have to admit, I really enjoy food. Not just any food, mostly the wrong kinds of food. Honestly, isn't Chocolate one of the major food groups? I am not good at "keeping track" of calories but I do know how to monitor volume of intake. I also know that given the choice between 70% cocoa bars and carrots,which one I prefer to to eat and I should eat.
I am re-discovering how to eat, the right things and when to eat. I have resolved that I will only "treat" myself with purchasing and eating a good candy bar as I reach my downward spiral benchmarks at the even 10's. My journey began on 1 Jan 2010 at 297 lbs. I skipped the treat at 290 since I was fasting and didn't think I deserved it yet I am currently at 282 lbs and will have to think about it as I reach 280. My ultimate goal is to reach 250 by this summer as my wife and I are making plans to travel. My extended goal is to get back to 220 lbs, the weight both my Doctor and Naturopath would like to see.
For the first time in years, I am excited about the possibility of being fit again. I actually thought about asking my Surgeon if he could suck a little of this fat out while he is already in there to fix my back (funny thing is Laura - my loving wife - thought of the same thing).
Isaiah 10:6 says "
Therefore shall the Lord, the Lord of hosts, send among his fat ones leanness; and under his glory he shall kindle a burning like the burning of a fire."
These goals are the basis behind the name of this blog. I really hope to outwardly exhibit the signs of being the incredible shrinking man.

Finally blogging

For those that know me , welcome. For those that don't , I am Ed, am married to the most supportive wife, have 3 children (plus 2 more by marriage), and 5 (soon 6) grandchildren.I realized just a few days ago that I created this Blog site about 3 years ago and never posted on it. Now seems to be a good time to begin for those that care to follow my journey for the following reasons:
1) My progress towards completing my return to school - I started back @ Corban College to complete my BA in Business, after a 30 year break.
2) My progress in weight loss - My goal is 80 lbs. over the next year. I am off to a pretty good start, having shed 15 lbs the past 3 weeks.
3) The continuation of my physical well being - I am currently scheduled for Back surgery on ground Hogs Day - funny when I think of the movie by the same title compared to my doing this surgery all over again.
I may not stay consistent in my writings here, I may even be all over the place at times, you can even expect to here a few things about God or the Ducks on here. I just wanted to push myself over an edge and hopefully create a level of accountability. So, do not be afraid to push me further, ask me about where I am at on these topics and others as I add them. I hope that I can keep you informed and at times, amused and entertained.