Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Still Shrinking

It,s funny how just one year ago, I took a lot of pride in losing 5 lbs, yet now after losing 55 lbs, I,m not content. I have stopped making excuses for why I couldn't lose the weight. Now I blame myself for interrupting my weight loss. I guess this is because I know that I can do it and should continue.

The Holiday season is upon us, Thanksgiving in a week, Christmas in 5 weeks, then New Years the next week. This season will be a real test for me since I really like food. I especially like sweets (fudge, mints, brittle, etc...) and Turkey with the works. Interesting, unlike many past years, I have developed a good appetite for green salads, maybe this will help me survive the temptations of the season.

This new attitude should help me to enjoy the Holidays with out feelings of disappointment, thinking up more excuses. If I happen to stall or even gain a pound or two, I will just have to accept the blame then get right back at it. I know that 55 lbs is something to be happy about, but I will not be satisfied until I lose at least another 30 pounds. Till then, I hope to remain 'the incredible shrinking man'.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sports page

One of the things in the last 35 years that has remained a constant has been that the sports section of the newspaper is mine. My wife, Laurie really doesn't care much about sports and practically never even touches the section. My 2 daughters were almost the same, Heather only glancing occasionally at one page during High School looking for her own or a friends name or to get upset that the local paper didn't (again) cover her School's sporting event at all.

My son I expected a bit more from, but he enjoyed playing - not reading. He was content to allow me to read the pages and tell him if anything important (to him) was in there, like his goal the day before. Other than that, it was my section to read, mostly about something involving the Ducks.

These family principles have taken a hit recently. During a recent visit in our home, my 6 year old Grandson has totally violated this tradition. He has been introduced to the NFL and scores/stats as a means of making the learning of math more fun. He had the audacity to actually remove the section completely from the unread paper and dive into the pages. How am I to react to these actions???

I have to admit that watching him become so excited in this activity and then spend hours telling me the details just made me smile. His knowledge of the NFL supersedes my own vastly. His excitement in telling his Papa on the phone was a beautiful exchange. I must conclude by saying, "Solomon, you can take my sports page any time you like."


Where has time gone? I can't believe it has been 4 months since I last wrote on here. So much has happened in theses last 120 days that I can never try to recall them all. I will try to catch up on a few over the next week or 2.

Time, an interesting topic to discuss. For some, like my newest granddaughter, four months is practically a lifetime. For others, like my wonderful Mother in law, the last four months are seemingly a count down to the end of her time. She is such a trooper, sometimes leading us to believe she might just out live all of us. As her health and body move through the process of finalization, she amazes us with her stamina and desire to enjoy every moment possible with those she loves. Though her heart is intent to stretch those times out, her body tells her to rest - rest for another time.

She knows her time here is nearly complete and has accepted the truth of that statement. With her though, until that final moment comes, she will continue to grab hold of the time she has and enjoy what she can. Is this hard for her to do or is it more difficult for those around her that love her the most? I'm not too sure how to answer that.

As we define time, having a beginning and an end, I am reminded that with God, time technically has no beginning or ending. We have the assurance that we will, upon leaving this life, have life eternal with Him. The very thought of this for my other Mother is a joyous one. Having lost my own Mom 13 years ago, I know the pains of loss, yet I rejoice in the knowledge of a better life that she and soon Mom (Grammy) will be abiding in.